Below are murals from Wat Suwannaram, built around the time of Rama 3rd. They represent a new style, likely deriving in part from adoption of Chinese painting techniques and materials.

Below are images from Wat Sommanas. It was built during the period of Rama IVth, in memory of his queen (named Sommanas) who died young. Most prominently, it features images from the popular Javanese epic Inao, who in one famous image holds his characteristic kris-style dagger. It is likely that the young queen had been a fan of the story. The murals are thought to have been painted in part by the famous Khrua In Khong, or at least by his students. His characteristic style of mixing Thai mural characters in bluish landscapes together with European-style buildings (with columns and domes and such) which follow techniques of linear perspective. Below also are asuba meditation images from the ordination hall, images of monks meditating on corpses in various states of decay.