As well as doing research, I have done some film projects, though that is on the back burner now. Below are some of the links to some past film projects. I also used to have a Buddhist blog called Nowwherewasi with reviews of Buddhist art and film, as well as journals of meditation centers in Southeast Asia and you can read some of those old posts here.
This is one of the first bigger narrative short films I did. It led to an interview with Tricycle magazine which you can read here. It is about a Buddhist retreat in Wales:
Below is a trailer – or a ‘sizzler’ really – for a film project I worked on. The idea was of a wandering preacher many centuries after an apocalypse, his religion based on vague ideas of glorious technology and found remnants of the past. You can see much more information and concept development images for this project here.
Below is a short documentary I made with photographer Ulf Svane about the vibrant culture of Buddhist amulets in Thailand with me as the presenter. We’re currently working on another short documentary about ghosts in Thailand.
Below is a little experimental film I made about Bangkok with my Iphone. A bit weird, but there’s something I always liked about it: